Fruits and vegetables have since time immemorial formed an important part of man’s diet. Vegetarian food is advisable for all sorts of people, for children, mothers, pregnant women and for men too. Vegetables supply ample and essential nutrients. The fibre in vegetables help resist heart problems, cancer and diabetes. The vegetable plucked fresh daily from the garden and cooked are not only fresh and tasty but all the more nutritious. That is perhaps why people long back used to say that keep the pot of water to boil and then go out to pluck the vegetables from the garden. Wash the vegetables clean before cutting them. Washing the vegetable pieces after they are cut cause them to lose many essential minerals and vitamins which get washed away with the water. It is always better to cook the vegetables by putting them in boiling water. This helps to retain their original taste and prevents loss of essential minerals. It is always better to cook the vegetable unpeeled. Most of the vital nutrients in vegetables lie just beneath the skin. Cut the vegetables just before they are cooked. Steamed vegetables are the most nutritious. This helps save fuel too.
01. To refresh dried up vegetables, soak them in cold water for one hour. To the water add a few drops of lemon juice.
02. While cooking cabbage, a rich supplement of vitamin D, to get rid of the undesirable odour of the vegetables, add a few drops of lemon juice.
03· Do not throw away the outer leaves of the cabbage. These leaves contain a lot of nutrients which improve body resistance.
04· Keep the cauliflower pieces immersed in warm water to which a few drops of vinegar have been added. This helps kill the white colour worms usually found in cauliflower.
05· To retain the colour of cauliflower while cooking, add two dessert spoons of milk.
06· To test whether mushrooms are safe to be eaten, boil the mushrooms with 4-5 garlic pods in water. If the water turns black after sometime, the mushrooms are poisonous.
07· To prevent the slipperiness while frying the lady's finger, add 2 dessert spoons of curd or buttermilk before frying.
08· While cutting vegetables with stains like brinjal and raw bananas cut the pieces into water to which buttermilk, lemon juice or turmeric powder have been added.
09· Adding one teaspoon of vinegar to water in which potatoes are to be boiled, helps retain their original colour after cooking.
10· Vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes and beetroot should be peeled only after they are boiled. The boiled potatoes should be mashed/cut only after they cool well. Boiled potatoes mashed when they are hot turn watery when sauted with onions in oil.
11· The “koorka” (Chinese Potato) can be peeled easily by soaking the min water and then beating them on a rough surface properly tied up in a jute sack.
12· Onions can be stored for a longer period of time by storing them in flat trays/baskets where they can be spread out. Be sprouting of button onions can be prevented by drying the for sometime in the sun before storing.
13· Adding 3-4 drops of vinegar while cooking greenpeas helps retain their green colour.
14· Tomatoes can be skinned fast by showing them to the fire by means of a fork and then immediately immersing them in cold water. This way, the peel comes off on its own.
15· Curry leaves can be retained fresh for a longer time by tying them up in a banana leaf and sprinkling water.
16· Vegetables remain fresh for longer time if they are stored in plastic bags with both ends nipped off in the refrigerator.
17· For dishes which require lots of onions chop them and steam them before sauting in oil. This way, lesser oil will be required.
18· To lessen the bitterness of the bitter gourd, wash it in water with which rice has been washed